Monday, January 23, 2006

"Lay It Down" - new song lyrics

I've been writing this song for a few weeks. I had the first two stanzas written, and they really spoke to how I feel about war and hostile attitudes and then cynicism and complaining about the state of things. I feel like neither of these approaches solve much, and do not address the real needs of our hearts. I was stuck for some time on how to end it, until attending church on Sunday morning. I realized that I feel the same way about the modern church that I feel about war and our unending capacity to whine: so often our methods miss the point. It takes a bit of idealism, but I'm told that hope does not disappoint - and I believe that's the truth. The last stanza revealed itself as I sat on the sand at Solana Beach Sunday afternoon.

Soldier, put down your rifle
Lay it on down
Soldier, there's a life at stake today
Right here in the middle of the battle
Lay it on down
Soldier, I say there's a better way

If you come, drop your arms

Well, I swear I mean you no harm
So turn around
Let's go down to where the sidelines are

Cynic, put down your pencil
Lay it on down
Cynic, we're running out of time
Page on page of endless drivel
Lay it on down
Cynic, there's a better chance to find

An empty page, a brand new start
Well it's really not very hard
So turn around
Let's go down to where the margins are

Preacher, put down your Bible
Lay it on down
Preacher, what we need is more than words
We know what the Good Book tells us
Lay it on down
Preacher, can you show me how it works?

If you have a hope to give
Well, I need to see it lived
So turn around
Let's go down to where the lepers are

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Love it, Matthew. (Except I wonder if I fall into that category of the cynic writing "page after page" - via my MySpace blog, of course. ;) But I agree with you even if I do bear some guilt for that.) U2 has a song - one I've yet to hear myself, but I've read some of the lyrics, somewhere - that says something to the effect of "get up off your knees," much to the same idea, from my understanding, of your 3rd verse here. So you're in some good company with your thinking here. ;)

    I hold to my belief that you are one of the best songwriters ever. Why aren't you famous yet?!?

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