Tuesday, September 18, 2007

fears i can't fight

I will apparently always deal with the same nagging, frustrating fears.
A friend hugs everyone as he is leaving - except me. I'm given a hasty high-five. Immediately, I am deep in fears that have plagued me for most of my life. "Did I do or say something wrong? Why am I not worth a hug? Is my friend through with me?"

I hate, despise, detest these fears in me. I hate that I can't function normally in social situations. That fear is always just beneath the surface. And all it takes to send it surging upward is a high-five.

1 Comment:

  1. Rob Woods said...
    I think we've all been there before. I personally struggle at times in social situations, often wondering what people think about me, etc.

    In retrospect, I wouldn't mind giving you a hug :-)

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